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Showing posts from January, 2019

My True Life Story

I never knew what pain a scorpion sting could cause until when I was about 9 years old. Mom had announced earlier that we were all going to work on a nearby farm we owned, and nobody can mess with mom's decisions. I prepared like my siblings did, and all farming tools were also ready. In less than 5 minutes or more, we were already standing on the farmland. Work began and everybody showed off their working skills. While the work was going on, poor me who has never seen a scorpion before (except on TV) moved a bit closer to a palm tree which was standing next to me. Looking closely at the tree, I saw a hole on it and decided to insert my finger into the hole in search of an edible insect. Just immediately after I inserted my finger into the hole, I brought it out starring at it with so much focus. Mom found out that something was wrong with me and then she asked me, "what is that?". Not knowing and to confirm the answer, I peeped into the hole then replied mom with a sh...

Yako's False Alarm

In a big city called Yako, the only challenge was the 40 decades old creatures which came to devour citizens of the city. The creature was so strong that even 5 men can't pull it down. The beacon was the only way to signal everyone in the city (each time the creatures were coming). The man who was in charge of turning the beacon on had gotten drunk one evening while making merriment on his received salary. The intoxicated man went up to the beacon and turned it on which caused a false alarm. After the whole city had prepared to bombard the creatures with explosives, they saw nothing, not even a sign of an ant. The beacon man was thereby arrested and put to jail for putting the whole city into fear.

The Kaboom Sound

All she heard was a kaboom sound when she ran out of the house. Her heart beat was so loud enough that she could hear them herself. "what's going on?" she asked herself, she couldn't even tell what  made the sound. "Is this really a bomb or a knockout?" she asked herself the second question even when the answer for the first hasn't been provided. Then she concluded, "however, all I know is that it was an explosive and explosives aren't friendly at all", and she was then heading to a male friend's house who she believed would comfort her. Unfortunately for her day, her friend wasn't around because he had gone to a skating game with his friends. "Oh no!" she exclaimed as a disapproval to the situation, she had run away forgetting her phone and had no place to run to. She waited for him for several hours but the time was wasted and her effort useless. Finally, the attention of a cop who was passing along the street was gr...

Death Lived Next Door

Death All my life, I never believed it could happen till it happened. Death is the nickname of a man who was basically our next-door neighbor, he is 7 feet tall and has a bald head. I was barely 16 when I almost got killed by Death, he haunted me for months and the whole story ended up this way: I woke up one morning just to find out that I was in his house, and was tied to a pillar in his house. The question in my mind was "how did I get here?" but before I could ask myself, he spoke "you're quite a kid you know...... I like you but there's a problem about you which I'm taking personal", I could barely breath at this moment because my heart was pumping as if it were a water pump. With a knife in his hand he asked me " what do you think I'm going to do to you?", I answered with a shaky voice "I think you're going to kill me" (though he didn't hear my answer because I spoke in my mind). He put his knife across my neck ...